
About Muhammad Yousaf Khan

I am a Graduate & Postgraduate Research Fellow at Comsats University Islamabad (CUI), splitting my time and energies between various departments including the Department of Management Sciences, Department of Computer Science, Department of Mathematics, and Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering of the campus. I hold a Ph.D. in English Literature.

In my research, I investigate topics related to English literature in the light of Jungian Analytical Psychology being applied to literary texts for a better understanding of the human psyche at work. Moreover, with a deeper knowledge of modern literary trends & theories prevalent in the post-modern era, I analyze the new and the old pieces of literary works for digging out new and unique themes and strains of thought unknown henceforth.

Currently, I’m working on analyzing the journey of the hero in Joseph Conrad’s novel “Heart of Darkness” from a Jungian perspective relating it to the concept of “Shadow” as Jungian would call it.

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